Friday, June 26, 2009

Visiting my parents in Ontario, Oregon

For the last 2 weeks I've been visiting my parents in Ontario, Oregon. I'm really glad I was able to come out, especially for Father's Day, though it's been a very emotional visit. Starting last Saturday, my dad started to be in a lot of pain despite his morphine. It was so painful to see him wince every time he moved. My parents went to Seattle to see his doctor earlier this week, and they decided to do an MRI to see if they could find out why his pain was so much worse. It turns out that two of his vertabrae the cancer had spread to previously have been completely replaced by cancer, which is causing the pain. The cancer has also spread to his lungs, liver, and kidneys. The doctor estimated that he has a couple months to live. My sister is visiting right now also, and Wednesday night, after my parents told us, we all spent some time crying together. My dad is withdrawing from the new clinical trial they were just about to start because he needs to undergo radiation because of the cancer in his vertabrae. Luckily they can do the radiation here and they won't have to travel to Seattle for that. They also more than doubled his morphine, and he hasn't been in as much pain.

At this point, only a miracle could save my dad. My mom is trying to get in touch with a doctor in Los Angeles that was recommended, but I'm not sure treatment-wise what we could hope for at this point. My dad will turn 49 in August. I'm still praying, I believe that miracles are possible, but they don't always happen. As always, I appreciate everyone's prayers for my dad, and for our family.


Jessica said...

I was so happy to see that you had a new post, and then so sad to see the subject. Emily, I'm so sorry. My mom lost her dad to cancer when she was young (a teenager) and through her I have a slight idea of what it's like to have a young parent go through this. You and your family are definitely in my prayers and I'm asking for that miracle.

D. said...

I was glad to see you had a new post too, but of course I am sad to hear there is more bad news. I know this is very painful for you, Emily, and I'm glad you have been able to spend time with your Dad & your family...Take whatever time you need, and remember we're always here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on or just a simple hug. You mean alot to us & we miss you.